Contacts Reimagined
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Remember everyone.
It starts with a time, and a place.
Whether it’s at a bar, book club, sports event, dinner party, or your bff’s birthday week—Dextr will help you remember when and where you meet people.
Something to remember them by.
Writing down a name is a good start, but a memorable note about that person is even better. Dextr’s Add Event screen allows you to jot down names and brief notes—making it easier to recall the moment you met.
Think fast.
We know fumbling with your phone is the last thing you want to do after a conversation. Dextr includes a lock screen control for quickly adding a new event, or it will automatically pull up the current event for jotting down more names.
Don’t start from scratch.
Reimagine contacts.
Jumpstart your people library and get a tightly integrated experience with iOS by enabling Contacts Sync.
You’re in control.
Syncing with contacts can be enabled or disabled at any time, and you can choose between import-only (default) or bidirectional sync.
Privacy first.
We believe data privacy is a human right. All data stored in Dextr exists on your device and private iCloud storage only.
For more information, check out the Privacy Policy.
It’s in their details.
Make contact.
Quickly message, view their socials, send an email, or even *gasp* call someone with a tap.
Remember when you first met?
Whether it’s an event you added via Dextr or a date & place filled in after, you can always refer back to the moment you met someone.
Relationships are what matter.
Humanity is defined by our relations to one another, and so relations are at the core of Dextr. Select someone’s relation to you & add their relations to unlock the app’s full potential.
Social Graph
Bird’s eye view.
See an overview of all your relations, and theirs too.
Find connections.
In a future update, you’ll be able to see likely relations, powered by Artificial Intelligence…
…jk. It’ll just use some simple algorithms that have been around forever, but "powered by MATH!“ doesn’t sound as cool.
There’s a tab for them.
Everyone together now.
The main sub-tab shows all your people in one place. Emojis and group color markers give you an overview of that person’s relation to you.
Just your favorites.
The favorites sub-tab gives you quick access to the people in the forefront of your life. Call and message buttons let you contact them with a single tap.
All your friends in one place.
If someone didn’t quite make the favorites cut, you’ll find them here in the friends sub-tab.
Everyone else, and your mother.
Whether it’s family, business contacts, or your next Tinder date—there’s a spot for them too.
Jog your memory.
At a glance.
See the names of people you just met on your lock screen.
Quick notes.
The Recently Met Widget shows both people’s names and your notes about them.
Always close by.
The Places tab will show nearby locations and who you recently met there.
So much more.
Ever wonder why you couldn’t sort contacts by recently added on iOS? Us too, so we added that along with recently updated, previously added, and more.
Archive, don’t delete
We know you aren’t picking up calls from unknown numbers anymore—archiving lets you declutter while keeping a person’s contact info stored, just in case they hit you up out-of-the-blue.
Quick add
Put the Add Person Shortcut on your lock screen or in control center to quickly get someone’s contact info.
See all your contact addresses and event locations on the Places list and map view.